The Future Professors Programme Phase 2

Producing academic
excellence and leadership
in SA higher education.

The vitality of scholarship becomes threatened when the number and quality of the professoriate in a higher education system dwindles due to normal attrition and retirements.  South African universities face the difficult and unprecedented challenge of a shrinking professoriate which is not being replaced at the rates required to sustain the growth of the higher education sector (Subbaye, 2017).

Striving for academic excellence

The FPP Phase 2 is the DHET’s prestigious flagship programme supported by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dr Blade Nzimande. The overall purpose of the FPP phase 2 is to accelerate the readiness of talented and promising academics to become a new cohort of effective professors across disciplines and contribute to producing a critical mass of academic excellence and leadership in SA higher education.

The FPP aims to develop the future professoriate who can contribute to their disciplines, are intellectually vibrant and more responsive to society’s shifting needs.

The FPP Phase 2 involves an innovative approach to growing a representative professoriate through the implementation of a coherent, structured, effectively supported
programme. The programme aims to contribute to the need for a critical mass of academic excellence and leadership in South African Higher Education institutions.


  • FPP launch 17 & 18 November
    FPP launch 17 & 18 November

    Day 1 Opening and Welcome of the FPP Phase 2 Programme The first high-powered …

  • Brownbag Sessions
    Brownbag Sessions

    Brownbag Sessions Developing your Research Profile Prof Thad Metz | Facilitation by Prof Kopano Ratele …

  • Workshops

    Workshops Navigating your Academic Journey (Workshop 2) Prof. Daneel van Lill Postgraduate Supervision and Research …